Polangui Community College: Ii – Learning Objectives

Polangui Community College: Ii - Learning Objectives
  • Polangui Community College: Ii – Learning Objectives

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Republic of the Philippines



I. Introduction This module intended for Bachelor of Science in Education Major in TLE taking the subject of Agri-Fishery Arts 1. It includes the definition of the fishery, areas of fishery technology, and the role of the fishery to agriculture. This module will be focused on the concept, role, and other sciences related to fisheries. It also introduces you to the exploratory aspects of Fishery Arts. It explains the different areas covered by Fishery I; namely, Fish Morphology, Fish Culture, Fish Capture and Fish Preservation. Fish, as the major product will be discussed first in this module. You will be given information on the morphology of fishes; fishery as a business; and the three branches of fishery including technical terms encountered in the study of fishery for further understanding of the topic. You will also be given insights into what you could learn in this module. In this process, you would be able to decide on which area of fishery arts you would specialize in so you can participate in any fishery programs of the government and promote economic progress of the community and the country II.LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After reading this module, students must be able to: 1. Define what fishery and it’s important to agriculture and economic growth. 2. Identify the areas of specialization in fishery technology. 3. Recognize the role of the fishery sector in the increasing population in the Philippines. 4. Differentiate the three (3) branches of fishery. III. CONTENTS Fish is a cold-blooded vertebrate living in water, breathing by means of gills; whose body may or may not be covered with scales. In general, it includes all the fin fishes and other aquatic animals such as crustaceans, ( crabs, prawns, shrimps, lobsters) and mollusk ( clams, mussels, oysters, snails and shellfishes ). At the same time, the fishery is defined as the science of producing fish and other aquatic resources to provide human food. However, other aims are possible ( such as sports and recreational fishing), or obtaining ornamental fish or fish products such as fish oil. It also defined as the science of producing fish and other aquatic resources

to provide human food. However, other aims are possible ( such as sports and recreational fishing), or obtaining ornamental fish or fish products such as fish oil. The fishery is the business of catching, handling, taking, marketing, and preserving of fish and other fishery products. Fish is a business, for it is a source of income, food, and livelihood if it can be cultured for commercial purposes and marketed properly. Based on the fossils recovered five million years ago, there was no distinguishing feature of a fish. The primitive fish belongs to ostracoderm, which has a mouth just a small opening, and the placoderms to which our present-day bony fish belong.

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1.0 TYPES OF FISHERY Fishery technology is divided into three areas of specialization, namely marine fisheries technology, inland fisheries technology, and fish processing technology. Marine fisheries technology may be defined as the method of exploring the ocean to catch fish scientifically using modern fishing gears. It includes gear construction and operation, navigation, and seamanship. Marine fish, crustaceans, and mollusks can be caught in the ocean. Examples of marine fish are nemipterid, mackerel, sardine, tuna, shark, snapper, grouper, anchovy, whiting, mojarra, ray, slipmouth, crevalle, cavalla, hairtail, moonfish, barracuda, mullet, and many others. Crab, s Shrimps, prawns, and lobsters are examples of crustaceans. Examples of mollusks are seashells, squid, and octopus. Volute, olive, cowrie, helmet, oyster, mussels, cone, clam, and other shellfishes are examples of seashells. Inland fisheries technology may be defined as the approach or technique to maintain and increase the productivity of inland bodies of water for sustainability yield. The increase may be done by cultivating aquatic fauna and flora in controlled or semicontrolled environments. Examples of the former are the cultivation of fish, crab, shrimp, prawn, and many others in the fish pond, pen, cage, aquarium, and tank. Fish cultivation in a semi-controlled environment in open marine or brackish water (e.g., mussels culture, oyster culture, mother-of-pearl cultivation, window-pane shell (kapis) cultivation and seaweed farming.) Fish processing technology may be defined as a method of lengthening the shelflife of fish and fishery products by applying the principles of chemistry, engineering, and other branches of science to retard the growth of microorganisms, improve the quality attributes of the products, and retain their nutritive values for some time. Processing can be using curing, icing, refrigerating, freezing, canning, and others. Examples of cured products are kench salted fish, dried fish, smoked fish, and pickled fish. In Filipino, these are respectively termed binuro, daing, tilapia, and kilawin. 2.0 IMPORTANCE OF FISHERIES 1. Provide food- fishing is an important Philippine industry. It ranks next to farming and livestock raising in providing the food requirements of the population. Fish comes next to rice as the staple food of the Filipinos. 2. Source of income/employment for fisherman- many job both full time and part time depend upon fishing, apart from fishing itself there is also work in related processing industries, such as canning, freezing for human use. Many of the smaller fish and other organisms, are processed in factories to make pet food, animal feed and fertilizers. There are still industries related like boat building, making nets and fishing tackle and ice production. 3. Contributes to GDP/GNP, therefore to national income 4. Export e.g., shrimps to Japan so as source of earning foreign exchange, improves balance of trade 5. Extra income for agricultural farmers who own fish farms. 6. Reduces rural to urban migration as most of the inland fishing farms are in villages. 7. Development of remote areas e.g. coastal areas by providing roads and electricity.

3.0 Other science related to fisheries MC TEC 04 – AGRI_FISHERY ARTS1 BTLED email add : [email protected] ; messenger: jho otaber Page 2 of 7

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Biology –the science which deals with the study of living organisms Ichthyology –the science which deals with the study of fish Planktonology – study of plankton Concholgy – study of shell Oceanography – study of ocean Phycology – study of algae Malacology –study of mollusks Chemistry – the science that treats of the structure, chemical composition and elements of substances and reactions 9. Physics –the science that treats of motion, matter, and energy and their characteristics 4.0 Careers prospects and job opportunity in fishery 1. Fisheries biologist 2. Wildlife biologist 3. Marine biologist 4. Habitat restoration biologist 5. Endangered species biologist 6. Wildlife fish manager 7. Hatchery technician 8. Fishery area manager 9. International/exotic fishery specialis 10. Fishery law enforcement officer 11. Zoo/aquarium animal caretaker 12. Watershed council coordinator 13. Environmental educator 14. Interpreter 15. Extension agent 16. Park range 5.0Branches of Fishery: 1. Fish Culture – the human effort of raising the maximum productivity of fish and other fishery aquatic products and maintaining the supply of these products to satisfy human needs. o the rearing of fish under controlled or semi-controlled condition. Method of Fish Propagation 

Natural Method- the fish breeds and spawns in its natural cycle. o Artificial Method- The fish reproduction is made ahead of organism’s natural reproductive cycle or during nonspawning season.

2. Fish Capture – branch of fishery science that deals with the scientific method of catching fish as well and the type of fishing gear used. 3. Fish Preservation – branch of fishery science that deals with the scientific MC TEC 04 – AGRI_FISHERY ARTS1 BTLED email add : [email protected] ; messenger: jho otaber Page 3 of 7

method of preserving fish and other fishery aquatic products to prevent spoilage. Learning Activity 1.1 Research on the evolution of fish

1. Why is there a need to familiarize yourselves with the morphology of 2. 3. 4. 5.

fishes? How can you differentiate the various phases of fish culture? Explain why there is a need for you to be acquainted with the different terminologies to be used in fish culture. How are the types of fish culture classified and why? How are the different compartments divided based on specifications?

Understanding Let us reflect and understand: Write your opinion and reflection after discussing the first part of the module. Would it be enough for you to decide whether or not you will be a part of the fish industry to augment family income? Ex. As a student of BTLED and given some knowledge and skills in the culture, harvest and preservation of fish and other fish products I have decided to apply this knowledge to improve myself in the fish industry.

After you completed the task, write your output in a bond paper (A4, Font style Arial, Font size 12) and submit via [email protected] or messenger jho otaber. You have one (1) week to work on this module. Please submit your exercise on August 17 , 2020. Upload them to the google classroom. For those who will not have access to internet on the designated date of submission, please drop them at the place designated by place.

TERMINOLOGIES COMMONMLY USED IN FISHERY Anadromous. fish born in freshwater, got to marines’ water to grow and develop, then return to freshwater to spawn or lay eggs. Autolysis . Softening of muscle tissue of fish due to continuous digestion of enzymes. Brackishwater . midway between freshwater and marine water. Crustaceans. one of the classes of arthropod having crust like shells and generally aquatic; include lobsters, crabs, shrimps and prawns. Estuarine. a wide mouth of a river where current meets the sea and is influenced by the tides; an inlet or arm of the sea. MC TEC 04 – AGRI_FISHERY ARTS1 BTLED email add : [email protected] ; messenger: jho otaber Page 4 of 7

Fish .a cold-blooded animal, typically with backbone, gills, and fins and primarily dependent on water as a medium to live. Fishery. can be defined as human harvest of wild marine resources for food and industry. It is not just fish, also crustaceans, mollusks, marine mammals, turtles and algae. Fish Propagation. the increasing of fish size through natural or artificial methods of reproduction. Fishery conservation. the proper and scientific control and utilization of fishery resources to ensure optimum yields and continuous supply of fish and fishery products. Fishery Technology. A course which is divided into three areas of specialization, namely marine fisheries, inland fisheries and fish processing technology. Ichthyology – the science that deals with the study of fishes Ichthyologists – scientists or persons who study fishes Assignment : Collect samples of fish and identify the external and internal parts. Provide the documentation of the activity you can use cam Note: After you completed the task, write your output in a bond paper (A4, Font style Arial, Font size 12) and submit via [email protected] or messenger jho otaber. You have one (1) week to work on this module. Please submit your exercise on August 17 , 2020. Upload them to the google classroom. For those who will not have access to internet on the designated date of submission, please drop them at the place designated by place.

References: Books 1. Calmorin et al, Introduction to Fishery Technology

2. Villanueva et al,.Fishery Arts Handbook

1. BFAR Handbook 2. Classification of Fishing Gears Handbook BFAR 3. Fish Processing Handbook for FilipinosOthers 1. http://www.google.com.ph/imgres? 2. https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=carpa 3. http://www.google.com.ph/imgres? MC TEC 04 – AGRI_FISHERY ARTS1 BTLED email add : [email protected] ; messenger: jho otaber Page 5 of 7

Prepared by : JOSEPHINE R. REBATO Cp No. 09484137544

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Polangui Community College

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