Differences Between Electrical Power and Electrical Energy

Differences Between Electrical Power and Electrical Energy
  • Differences Between Electrical Power and Electrical Energy

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VII, Central Visayas DIVISION OF LAPU-LAPU CITY B.M. Dimataga St., Lapu-Lapu City LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE Section and Time


Learning Infer the relationship between current and charge. (S8FE-1h-30) Competency Explain the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel connections in homes. (S8FE-1i-31) Differentiate electrical power and electrical energy. (S8FE-1i-32) Explain the functions of circuit breakers, fuses, earthing, double insulation, and other safety devices in the home. (S8FE-1i-33) Learning Knowledge: Differentiate electrical power and electrical energy Objectives Skills: Make an analysis about the difference between electrical power and electrical energy based on the video clip Attitudes: Appreciate the importance of safety practices in the use of electricity. Topic

Differences between electrical power and electrical energy

Resources Needed





Week No.




Duration 60 minutes

Science 8: Learner’s Manual; pages 53 – 61 Science 8 – Teacher’s Guide; pages 35 – 42 Video clips, laptop, projector, manila paper, pentel pen


Element of the Plan Awareness

Suggested Activities 1. Prayer 2. Checking of attendance 3. Checking/ Passing of the assignment 4. Recall the previous lesson about electricity. 5. The teacher will ask the following questions; a. What is meant by power in physics? b. What is meant by energy in physics?


1. Divide the class/students into 5 to 6 groups. 2. Give instructions to the students about the activity. 3. Students will watch video about Electric Power and Electric Energy Video 1: Electric Power (1 of 3) and Watts, An Explanation Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41-37kv_ljw Video 2: Electric Energy Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EZLSEyYe74 4. Students will answers the questions on the manila paper. Questions: a. What have you learned from the first video? b. What have you learned from the second video? 5. Students will report their outputs to the class. (See attachment for the rubrics.)


The teacher will ask the following questions to the students; 1. What are the important quantities in electricity and electronics?

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DepEd, Division ofLapu-Lapu City


2. What is electrical energy? 3. What is electrical power? 4. What is the difference between electric energy and electric power? Electric energy and electric power are two very important quantities in electricity and electronics. This article will compare the two concepts and present the similarities and differences between these two quantities. Electrical energy is the name given to the work done by the electrical potential energy. Understanding in electrical potential is required to understand the concept of electrical energy. An electric field is said to be produced by all electric charges whether they are moving or stationary. An electric field can also be produced using any time varying magnetic fields. There are several salient factors of electric fields. These are electric field intensity, electric field potential and electric flux density. The electric field intensity is defined as the force on a unit point charge from the electric field. This is given by the formula E = Q/4πεr2, where Q is the charge, ε is the electric permittivity of the medium, and r is the distance of the point from the point charge Q. The force on a point charge q placed on that point is equal to F=Qq/4πεr2. If q is 1 coulomb, F is equal to the electric field intensity. The electric potential of a point is defined as the energy required to bring a point charge of 1 coulomb from infinity to the point the potential is measured. This energy is equal to the work done on the charge when bringing the charge from infinity to the point. If both the charges are positive, the force that has to be applied to take the test charge from infinity to the point is always equal and antiparallel to the repulsion force between the two charges. Integrating F from infinity to r, with respect to dr, we get the electric potential (V) of the point as Q/4πεr. Since r is always positive, if the charge is negative, the electric potential also is negative. The units of electric potential are joule per coulomb. A static electric field is a conservative field. Therefore, the electric potential of a static electric field is path independent. The electric potential of such field depends only on the position. A free charge placed in an electric field tends to move towards the lowest potential energy possible. This flow of charges would cause the potential of the low potential end to be heightened, thus reducing the potential difference. This reduced potential energy will eventually stop the flow of charges. Electric energy is the energy that is required to keep the potential difference at two points. Electric energy is measured in joules. Electric energy can also be interpreted as the amount of work required to move the charge in the electric field. Electric power is the rate of generation of electric energy. This is measured in watt or joules per second. Even though electric energy is the more fundamental quantity electric power is the useful quantity in the power system management. Since electric power is the rate of electric energy transmission, this quantity is vital in designing withstanding systems. The difference between Electric Power and Electric Energy • Electric energy is a form of energy, but electric power is the electric energy generated or dissipated per second. • Electric energy is measured in joules, but electric power is measured in watt.


Students will answer this question; Why it is important to know the safety practices in using the electricity?


The teacher will ask questions to the students; 1. How will you define the word electrical power? 2. How will you define the word electrical energy? 3. How will you differentiate electrical power from electrical energy?


The students will answers the following questions; 1. Give the functions of the following terms; a. circuit breakers b. fuses c. earthing d. double insulation 2. What are some safety devices in electricity that are used at home? 3. Bring the following materials;

a. manila paper b. pentel pen c. sticky tape Reference: Internet – Google Remarks

Group Presentation Rubric

Trait Content Did the presentation have valuable material?

Criteria Presentation Presentation had moments had a good where valuable amount material of material and was present but benefited the as a whole class. content was lacking.


Presentation contained little to no valuable material.

Collaboration Did everyone contribute to the presentation? Did everyone seem well versed in the material?

The teammates never worked from others’ ideas. It seems as though only a few people worked on the presentation.

The teammates sometimes worked from others’ ideas. However it seems as though certain people did not do as much work as others.

The teammates worked from others’ ideas most of the time. And it seems like every did some work, but some people are carrying the presentation.

Organization Was the presentation well organized and easy to follow?

The presentation lacked organization and had little evidence of preparation

There were minimal signs of organization or preparation.

The presentation had organizing ideas but could have been much stronger with better preparation.

The presentation was well organized, well prepared and easy to follow.

Presentation Did the presenters Speak clearly? Did the engage the audience? Was it obvious the material had been rehearsed?

Presenters were unconfident and demonstrated little evidence of planning prior to presentation.

Presenters were Not consistent with the level of confidence/ preparedness they showed the classroom but had some strong moments.

Presenters were occasionally confident with their presentation however the presentation was not as engaging as it could have been for the class.

Presenters were all very confident in delivery and they did an excellent job of engaging the class. Preparation is very evident.

Presentation had an exceptional amount of valuable material and was extremely beneficial to class. The teammates Always worked from others’ ideas.It was evident that all of the group members contributed equally to the presentation.