- Center For Development Studies
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Center for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Center for Development Studies Designer Laurie Baker Location Thiruvananthapuram, India Date 1971 Building Type School and Academic Construction System Brick Climate Subtropical Context Campus Context Architectural Style Neo-Vernacular Street Address Prasanth Nagar,Ulloor, Walkscore Notes 10-acre complex of brick buildings. Contents [hide]
1 Images
2 Discussion
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4 References
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[edit]Images [edit]Discussion This 10-acre campus is one of Laurie Baker’s significant early works. The center is sited on a hill about 8km from the center of Thiruvananthapuram. Built inexpensively in brick and other local materials, the campus features offices, classrooms, an 8-story library, and housing for students and staff. Other features include circular courtyards, serpentine brick walls built around existing trees, and artful brick detailing throughout. [edit]Maps The Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Trivandrum, Kerala, India is a premier social science research institution. Over the years it has established a tradition of interdisciplinary research on development problems in India. Its main objective is to promote research, teaching
and training in disciplines relevant to development. Today, it is considered to be one of the foremost development economics research centers in the country. THE CAMPUS CDS located in a quiet residential area in the northwest part of the City of Thiruvananthapuram, called Prasanthnagar. The 10-acre (40,000 m2) campus, designed and constructed by the famous architect, Dr Laurie Baker, epitomizes his unique style and philosophy of adaptive building methods. The CDS Library is now one of the biggest in South India with over 1,25, 000 titles in Economics and allied disciplines and subscribing to about 400 professional journals
On over a land of nine acres; have been accommodated the administrative offices, a computer center, housing and other components of an institutional design. The design exhibits a range of concepts applied by Laurie Baker, to the individual buildings as per suiting to their needs of function, scale, and dimensions. Also these buildings are a good example of the saying ‘Form Follows Function’.
onstruction features used in the structure are: .Foundation constructed of random rubble mixed in lime surkhi mortar; (lime manufactured from manufactured from sea shells on the site). · Super structure of load bearing brick. · Slabs are of filler tiles; whereas flooring is a mixture of local quarry tiles. · Windows are made out of jack wood. · Bathrooms are plastered, rest all surfaces either exposed or whitewashed. · The precast stair treads used in circular stair tower are made of filler slab and bamboo reinforcement. · Roofs are of folded concrete slab
All the concerns of his architectural practice the sensitivity to the natural contours & elements of a site, the honest & optimum utilization of the materials find an expression in the plan & structures of the center.
It has all the Baker characteristics- the jalis, the traditional roofs, the stepped arches, the overhanging eaves and the skylights. Baker is able to transform vernacular architecture to suit the requirements of a modern academic institution.
Using corbelling instead of a lintel above the frame, this reduces the cost of the R.C.C lintel. Using less number of bricks to make a wall of same thickness and providing cavities in between for insulation. Reducing the unnecessary cost of a window with a shutter. Using ‘jali’ in his walls for proper cross ventilation, enough sun light etc
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